Subject: We are Hosting a Replay Friend, would you be There?

Hello [[name]],

I hope you are doing well. Did you miss Wednesday’s webinar? It was wonderful, people learnt a lot that helped them grow their business. I really would like you to get that opportunity, so I am offering a replay on Wednesday August 26, 2020 at 7pm. Join me for 1 hour to learn how to grow your business.

In this webinar, you would learn how to grow your business using one of the most robust tools in the world which is the internet. You would learn

  • How businesses work,
  • What the internet has to do with your business,
  • The different online tools you can use,
  • How the different online tools work.

Really, you don’t want to miss this so click the link below to RSVP.

Growing your business strategically can be accomplished when you take your business online using a business directory like GreenPagesPro. You list your business and customers go there to find you. List your business online now to get your business visible 24/7/365. If you want more, get our book “The Internet Grown Business”, where you would learn business fundamentals, the internet and your business, and you would learn about GreenPagesPro, the best online tool that can help you grow your business online.

Connect with me by email to on WhatsApp on 08077411944. This offer would end very soon so act now and make a difference in your business.

Looking forward to seeing you.

