Subject: Do you want 2019 to be better Friend? Set a Goal.

Hello [[name]],

** I found this on another group and decided to share. I hope it helps **

I hope 2019 has been good so far. The Holidays are over, and it is time to get back to work. I would like to ask; did you make a resolution? If you did, are you still on track or have you ditched it or maybe resolutions are not your thing.

At the beginning of each year everyone says, hopes, prays, and believes that year would be a better year, but we just say it, hope it, believe it, pray it and do nothing about it. Come the end of the year, if things don’t go right, we lament and blame everything for our lack of success forgetting we did not act.

Staying on track is not easy, if it were everyone would be successful. There are tools you can use to help you get to where we desire to be, which I would like to share with you. Starting Monday, I would be starting a 5 Day Goal challenge. I would be sharing some strategies that can help you set and keep your Goals, so you can be successful in 2019. You would also be setting your own Goals so get a pen and paper ready.

See you Monday.
