Subject: 5 Day Goal Challenge - Day 4

Hello [[name]],

Welcome to Day 4. How has it been? The bulk of the heavy lifting has been done and what is left is just the extra push you need to get to where you desire to be.

Challenge for Today
Pick the yearly Goals and write what you need to do to accomplish your Goal.

There are some characteristics that is common to all humans. We have beliefs, we have hopes, we have goals, and we make plans. Sometimes we keep them to ourselves, and sometimes we say it out loud. I bet you have been in a situation where someone has said they would do something or give you something nice, you believed them and the end of the day, they did not do what they said or promised. In some cases, it is not because they did not have the intention to do what they said, they wanted to do it, but no one held them to account. As time passed, so did the promise. For example, if you plan to travel to the Bahamas, you can always say it. “I would travel to the Bahamas.” But when you say to yourself. I would travel to the Bahamas in 6 months, there is a better chance you would do it. Now imagine what would happen if you tell a friend, that would give you the push to get it done.

Remember, you can refer to the Blog Post to learn more about goals.

See you tomorrow.
