Subject: 5 Day Goal Challenge - Day 2

Hello [[name]],

Welcome to Day 2. Today is going to be exciting. I hope you completed the Challenge for yesterday and are ready for the next challenge. If you have, Congratulations, but if you haven’t, you don’t have a lot to do to catch up, you can do it. Refer to yesterdays email to get all the details.

Now on to today’s Goal. Yesterday, we explained what a Goal is and how to create Goals. One important attribute about a Goal is that it must be Attainable. A Goal is something that can be done, and there are steps you should take to get to your Goal. Essentially you should act. There are certain steps you must take to accomplish your Goal(s) and when you take these steps using the best sequence possible, you get the results you want faster and easier.

Let’s say I wanted to bake a cake, just saying I would bake a cake would not get me a cake. There are things I should do to get a cake. I would have to

Get all the ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs, butter etc.
Get the equipment like a mixer, an oven.
Start baking.

I would have to get these 3 things in place to bake my cake. I can’t start baking if I don’t have the ingredients or the oven. I can decide to get the oven and the ingredients at the same time to save me time. Which ever way I choose to accomplish my Goals, knowing my limitations and the ways to manage my activities is guaranteed to provide the best result.

Challenge for Today
Pick you Goal for the week and write down what you need to do to accomplish your Goals.

Something to have at the back of your mind is that some big Goals can be broken down into smaller goals. Why? Because in some cases, it is easier that way. For example, if I want to save $1000, this year, it may not be feasible to take that amount from one salary and put it in my savings. I would not survive that month and could get frustrated and possibly quit. But if I save $20 every week for 52 weeks, I can reach my goal. So, if your weekly Goal still correlates to your Goal for the year it is okay. You want to make sure you are doing what is required to reach your Goal and you are tracking it.

Remember, you can refer to the Blog Post to learn more about goals.

See you tomorrow.