Subject: [1 hour to go] Black Friday and a Christmas Market

Hello [[name]],

Wow, can you believe its almost the end of the year. What happened to 2022, its almost gone. The end of the year is a time for fun, activities, and Shopping. This year at GreenPagesPro, we have some activities for you.

Black Friday Deals. Black Friday is almost here, its on the 25th of November 2022. Shoppers are looking for deals, and you can find amazing deals on our website. Are you posting deals for your business? You can share your deals with people on this page as well. Send a WhatsApp message to me on 08077411944 and I would help you with that.

Mark your calendars on Saturdays December 3, 10, and 17th for our Virtual Christmas Market. Drop by for Fun Activities, Gifts, Prizes, Christmas Fun, and Music. You would be glad you attended. By the way, you can use this as an opportunity to showcase your business. Join us for an info session about that this Thursday November 17, 2022, by 2pm, using this Google Meet link.

