Subject: REMINDER: Confirm Your Spot

Hey Friend, is everything okay with you?

I’ve been sending you emails over the

past few days but you haven’t acted yet?

Don’t worry, it’s okay..

We all get busy, I understand with

having a partner and kids..

But a fair warning:-

If you don’t claim your reserved

spot, it will be given to someone else.

The early bird gets the worm..

Click Here To Take Action >>

In case you’ve been out of the loop..

This is all about getting Bitc0in

by using your phone or computer..

No mining..

No trading..

No buying or selling..

Just fire up this new system on any device

and begin receiving cryptocurrency.

That’s it!

Ready to take it for a spin?

Go Here To Get Started >>

Use it wisely.

And get started while your

spot is still available..

Have a cheery holiday season!

Terence Connell, CPA

Entrepreneur, Webmaster

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