Subject: When Grandpa John knows best…😂

Hello Friend,

John Thornhill might not like me calling him a Grandpa?

But he is in TWO Ways!

1- He actually is (the sons he quit work to spend more time with and started making money online back in the early 2000s, to watch them grow, have grown, and John is now a grandpa!)

2 – He’s also a Grandpa in internet terms, having been online so long, that he has products for sale on MULTIPLE platforms!

Why am I telling you this?


When things go wrong online, as they do in real life, we often then think… What would Grandpa say/do?

So when the recent PayPal closures started wrecking so many marketers businesses,

They turned to someone who is still banking weekly cash and asked him how!

And because of all the questions. comments, and general panic in our industry…

John has created a brand new Step By Step course

(Something the old man has always been famous for as well as thanked for!)

CB SuperStar: Click Here

While others form support groups so they can share their various schemes to get around, find loopholes, or break more terms by adding bits, delaying others, and hoping they wont get caught out…

John just created a simple to follow course on how to ensure you’re legally compliant and making the best use of one of the worlds largest affiliate platforms.

Check the page for a full list of benefits:

Talk Soon,

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