Subject: What if I told you that you could JV with two of the net’s biggest marketers…

Hello Friend,

This is a very limited offer, so I need to be brief – and you need to be quick. I really don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity.

You’ve probably heard about Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason’s Info Publishing Challenge. This offer includes a huge toolkit of tools and resources that you can use to start building wealth in the digital-product space.

One of the best parts of this package is also the one that’s not going to last long: a chance to JV with Simon and Jeremy.

You send them your best-converting offer, and they’ll review it. If they like it, they’ll promote this offer to their gigantic list.

I can’t make any promises to you, and neither can Simon and Jeremy. But it’s pretty clear that if you’ve got a solid offer, this is one of the quickest and best ways to generate a whole lot of sales.

You know it. I know it. And so do countless other marketers in our niche. That’s why this offer isn’t going to last long. There are only a limited number of JV partners Simon and Jeremy can take on, and those spots are going fast.

If you’re quick, you might still have a chance to claim one of those JV spots when you join the Info Publishing Challenge. Click here now:

And hurry, while the opportunity to JV with Simon and Jeremy is still available…

P.S. If you’re ready to launch your digital-product business to the next level, then join the Challenge now by clicking here:

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