Subject: What do you do for a living?


Sometimes when people who have just met me ask this famous question:

"So what do you do for a living?"

And I respond, "I'm an internet marketer", I get varied reactions.

They range from people who understand it, and, in some cases, instantly want to do business with me.

To those who know absolutely nothing about it.

For those who don't know what it is and ask for an explanation

usually end up saying something like, "That's cool, I wish I

could do what you do."

Yeah. I agree. It's a pretty cool profession once you get the hang of it.

Just imagine this...

You are sitting in first class on a plane hurtling through the skies to

an exotic location you've decided to visit.

And in the seat next to you, the stranger strikes up a conversation which

eventually leads to that person asking you: "So what do you do?"

Because, of course, you are travelling in first class.

They are curious. As you are.

And when you say, "I'm an Internet Marketer" it could potentially bring you new business.

Not to mention the prestige that comes with the title.

This is possible.

This can be YOUR life.

Only if you MODEL someone who is already extremely successful at it.

Someone who is CONSISTENT and provides tremendous VALUE to the marketplace.

You can find one such person here: Click Now!

To Your Success,

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