Subject: There is an old saying in marketing, "till they Buy, Die, or unsubscribe"

Hello Friend,

Let me be clear, I wish death upon no one.

But the old email marketers saying is Buy, Die or Unsubscribe.

For the last few months I have sent out nothing but FRE E offers to help

you out. Fre e resources, free reports, fre e marketing tools and platforms.

And yet most of you dont even click the link in the email to see whats

on the other side. I have asked you to let me know what exactly you

need help with, or what you would like from me, but you have never responded.

I am here to help the people who need and want my help. If that is not you,

kindly unsubscribe from my list, its that simple. Like most everyone else,

I hate wasting my time. Dont be surprised if my next 10 emails are all paid offers.

I do what I do to help others AND Make Money, I can only give away so much.

So be prepared to break out that credit card and make a purchase.

Till next time,

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