Subject: I know this has happened to you too Friend...

Hi Friend,

We know this has happened to you too...

You're driving down the road when inspiration suddenly hits. The light bulb goes off in your mind and you have an idea. A good idea.

A really good idea.

As carefully as you can, you begin looking for an ink pen and a scrap of paper. Or, if you're smart, you keep that sort of thing handy at all times because you know inspiration strikes at any time!

Seriously. Any time, right?

People wake up in the middle of the night with an idea that comes out of nowhere. Fast asleep one minute, excitedly jotting down notes the next. No clue where the idea came from. It just came out of nowhere.

This happens all the time: someone is talking with friends and something is said that triggers the light bulb. Hold on, hold on, I gotta write something down!

It's stream of consciousness.

Even an unrelated word can bring on inspiration.

Have you ever done this... When watching a movie, you get an idea. Or during a commercial for the big game. Or when reading a book, listening to music, or people-watching at the mall.

The possibilities for when, where, why and how ideas are birthed are innumerable. And when they come, people do whatever they can to preserve the idea in whatever way they can.

Money-making ideas have been written down on napkins, receipts, hands and just about anything else that was conveniently located at the time!

Think about this: every successful product or service ever created since the beginning of time began with an idea.

1. Someone decided to put meat between two pieces of bread and the sandwich was born.

2. Someone realized that it gets hot inside during the summer and the idea of air conditioning emerged.

3. Someone thought manufacturing vehicles could be quicker if an assembly line existed.

From hamburgers to power steering to bottled water to gloves to lamps to coffee to running shoes to fingernail polish to anything you see around you ... every successful product or service ever created began with an idea.

Even if that idea was "stumbled upon", before it became a success, it got its start as an idea.

But, I want you to understand this...

Ideas Alone Won't Make You Any Money

Just because the light bulb goes off in your mind, doesn't suddenly bring you cash. Just because inspiration hits and you furiously scribble notes down, doesn't mean orders automatically come in as well.

Just because you have an incredible idea, that idea alone won't make you any money. Do you see what I'm getting at here?

Ideas alone won't make you any money.

You also need the best advice, the right tools

... and sometimes a little luck

And the good news is that today could be your lucky day because all 3 of those things are on the next page :-)

=> PromoteLabs 2022 Challenge

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