Subject: Do you have the skills to create something this Friend?

Hey Friend,

(Be sure to check out the amazing bonus package I have for you today)

As an email marketer, you know your lead pages need to stand out in your crowded market. It’s the only way to get attention… and subscribers.

But let’s be honest here…

Most lead pages look pretty much the same. Their colors and graphics may differ, but they look like copycat templates.

That’s not a good thing.

See, people aren’t going to rush to join your list if your lead page looks like everyone else’s page. Your prospects will think your lead magnets are boring and outdated if your lead page design is boring and outdated.

Now imagine if you did something different in your niche…

Imagine how your conversions would get a boost if you embedded video backgrounds to create a polished, professional feel.

And imagine how your pages would really stand out if you created animated forms to capture attention.

Take a look at this cool demo to see what I’m talking about:

Now compare that to every other lead page in your niche – including your own. Which one do think captures attention better – the outdated lead pages, or the fresh ones like the demo above?

If you guessed the fresh ones like the demo, you’re right. And the stats are proving it. A well-designed page gets higher conversions than the outdated cookie-cutter pages many marketers are using.

But the question is, do you have the skills to create something cutting-edge like the demo?

Most email marketers don’t. I know I don’t. Most of my list-building friends don’t either.

But none of that matters, because there’s a page-creation app hitting the market that makes it easy for you, me and anyone else to create these pages with just a couple clicks of a mouse.

It’s called PageDyno, and it’s a game-changing app that levels the playing field between you and your competitors with the deepest pockets.

When you use PageDyno, everyone will think you hired a high-priced designer. No one needs to know you did it yourself simply by clicking your mouse.

Have a look at these amazing bonuses I have put together just for my subscribers!

To Your Success,

Michael Bell

P.S. It’s time your lead pages start getting more attention, clicks and subscribers. PageDyno will help you do it:

Be sure to check out the awesome bonus package you get if you order today!

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