Subject: Buffer Has Been Slayed...

Hi Friend, Let me ask you a question.

Why pay buffer or Hootsuite an ongoing fee when you can now use

Social Studio WITHOUT having monthly recurring fees?

Social Studio gives you the power to harness 4 of the major

social media networks under one roof. All in one easy to use web application.

Forget about logging in and creating content, posting, then going on to do

the same on the next network. You can do everything under one location.

The manual management of content and posting to multiple networks is

time consuming and you can spend all day writing for all the networks,

or missing some out and therefore missing out on amazing traffic.

Think of how quickly Social Studio will help you scale your traffic and

save you precious time. With the built in analytics you can also see

how each of your posts are performing across all the different networks

from one easy to use dashboard.

With Social Studio you can now say goodbye to your monthly recurring

fees with Buffer or Hootsuite

Check It Out Here =>

Yours In Success,

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