Subject: Brand New For Your 2023 Income

Hello Friend,

It boggles my mind how frustrated marketers and entrepreneurs get when it comes to getting new leads.


As if they think you need some high level degree or expert status, to land the best leads.

(Neither of which you need).

All you have to do is dangle a curiosity based question in front of your target audience and then let the 'bait' (ie. the question) go to work for you. 


Say I can help you get 20 new leads per day. 

I'd simply ask if you would want my 1 minute audio report that revealed what I do daily, to get 20 new leads. 

Of course, folks are going to want that info.

That's a Hell Yes offer, right there! 

When they say YES, you simply share your new SMS #, installed with your 1 minute audio report, that gives them a teaser message.

But wait, it gets better.

When they call in, I'll have my system shoot them an instant text message, complete with a link to where they can access more information, on demand. 

How's that for a resistance free selling environment? 

Step 1: You asked a curiousity based question

Step 2: You shared your 1 minute audio report

Step 3: Your audio report gave a teaser message

Step 4: Your system sent your prospect a text message

Sort, simple, concise and to the point. 

No 2 hour webinars.

No 129 page PDFs. 

No hoops or hurdles to jump through / over.

You're happy, as you've just automated the initial pre-qualifying question.

Your prospect is happy as they got the info they wanted, when they wanted it and more importantly (WHERE) they wanted it, ie., on their cell phone!  

Does it make sense?

If you'd want to demo this SMS # out, and / or if you have any questions that I can assist with, Click Here

See You There,

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