Subject: Are you closer or further from your goals?

Hello Friend,

Decisions, decisions...

Every day we are faced with decisions...

Stay in bed... Get out of bed...

Exercise... Don't exercise...

Watch TV... Read a book...

The laundry list goes on...

A lesson I learned a long time ago is that, many

of us aren't good at making decisions.

Well.. decisions that will help bring us the life

we want to live.

The reason many of us aren't good at making

decisions is because we were never taught how

to make good decisions...

We were always taught how to follow the system.

Well, that changes today.

Go fetch a pen and notepad.

Do it now.

Draw a line down the middle.

On the top of your notepad write down just one of

your goals...

Whether it's to...

Buy a new home...

Boost my income...

Drive a new car...

Travel the world...

Fall in love...

It doesn't matter what it is.

Pick one of your goals and write it down on top.


In the left hand column write "further".

In the right hand column write "closer".

Now let's say, you chose "Boost my income".

"Is watching T.V. going bring me closer to my goal

of boosting my income, or further away?"

The correct answer is: Further

Let's use another example...

"Is reading this book called 3 ways to double my

income in 90 days or less going to bring me closer

to my goal, or further away?"

The correct answer is: ___________.



You are either moving further away from your goals.


You are moving closer to your goals.

For everything that you do, think about it

whether you're moving "Closer" or "Further".

As time progresses, you will begin to become aware

of the decisions that will help shape your destiny for

the better.

To Your Success,

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