Subject: The Underpaid Expert

You’ve been working in the electrical industry for a very long time. You know your stuff, you worked your way up from apprentice to journeyman to master to electrical contractor and you ventured out into the world of self employment. You have been in business for years and on the surface you look very successful. 

Technically compared to most you are successful. You have a nice house, nice cars and trucks and lots of toys. But, you are busting your ass day in and day out dealing with all the crap that goes on in your business. It eats all of your time and you never seem to have enough of it.

Worse than that you stress over payroll, bills, getting the next bid, keeping your electricians busy 40 hours a week, employees not showing up for work, insurance, trucks breaking down, accidents and you are always waiting on people to pay you. Sure you are paying the bills but you never seem to really get ahead because margins are tight and your always chasing low bid work. You keep telling yourself, if I just get this one job it will take care of these problems. If I get this bid, we are going to make such and such. Many times you have gotten the job you knew would change everything but in a short period of time you are back in the same spot.

Does this sound like you?

If it does, keep reading.

I want to tell you what your going through is very normal and frankly it sucks, but its not how a business is supposed to work. A business is supposed to be owned. It is not supposed to own you. If your business owns you it is worthless, plain and simple. A business is supposed to generate income for its owners. If your business owns you all you have is a job but you are working for someone that clearly does not know how to own a business.

You might argue that your business has assets but those are strictly assets. Assets can be sold but because the business does not generate income without its most important employee, YOU. Your business has no saleable value, only the assets have value.

If you want a business that has lots of value you have to have the processes and systems in place to bring the right customers to your door consistently, day in and day out. Best of all they will not be the low bid customers. You have to stop chasing low bid work, have dependable income, dependable profit and people that perform whatever duties that you need them to do.

You really can learn to Stop Bidding and Start Living™.

My name is David Mulvaney. The reason I know exactly what you are going through because I have been through the exact same thing. I’ve been in the electrical business for 20 years. I know what your going through because my business stole 10 years of my life and I nearly lost everything. I figured out how to turn it around and now I want to spend the rest of my life coaching others who are sick and tired of being owned.

I coach how to have 5 times the profits and more time off than I ever thought possible. Since the average electrical contractor has a net profit of 3% what would 5 times that number mean to you?

What would be having 3 or 4 days off a week mean to you? How about taking a 3-week vacation and you make more money while your gone then when you were there? If you question whether or not this is possible you have a much bigger problem than you know. You are heading for disaster and you can’t see it.

Don’t stress out. This is why I created The Contractor Blueprint™. TCB is the road map to where you want to go with your business and I designed it specifically for us electrical people.

I want you to have a book I wrote, called Electrical Contracting Exposed. The Blueprint to High Profitability in Electrical Contracting and Why So Many Seeming Successful Contractors Are Broke. I will give you the book for free because I am so confident that this book is going to change your life that you might want to hire me to coach you. Even if you don’t hire me it won’t matter to me. Reading this book will change the way you think about your business and what it should provide you. Again, the book is free just click on the link below and you’ll be reading this life changing content right now. 

Look you can Stop Bidding and Start Living™ click on the link below to get your book now.

Go to and get your life back
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