Subject: for 3 days only - come, see.

Hey - Jonathan & Charles here.

OK I'll be honest with you.

We wanted to release a new video
series today on Powerpoint BUT
Charles house basement was flooded
the past few days and consequently
we were not able to complete the
video series.

So we'll push that for next week.

BUT here's the good news...

We didn't want to stay idle the rest
of the weekend.

We went ahead to prepare this for you:

We did something almost similar about
2 months ago and we closed it down
after 3 days.

Many people contacted us to reopen it
but we declined their request. And
we're not going to do it ever again.

Today, it's on ANOTHER TOPIC and
it'll be open till Sunday.

So you've only one shot to get it...

...because after the time expires we
WILL NOT re-open it. Never again.

So join in now.

It's probably the very best PLR on
this topic you'll ever find.

It's HUGE:

Warm regards,
Jonathan & Charles