Subject: TAYLOR STEVENS: Autographed Preorders for LIARS' LEGACY, Book Events, and Goodies - December NEWSIE

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Vanessa Michael Munroe Stories in Chronological Order
Hi Friend,

Happy December! Here's me wishing you sanity and long deep breaths as we head into the end-of-year flurry. I wish sanity and long deep breaths for me, too! These days and weeks since the last NEWSIE have been very full, though blessedly not full of stress, for which I’m very, very grateful because the next two months are about to hitch me to the crazy train.

Coming down all at once in what is already the busiest, insanest, most disrupted time of year—despite best efforts to push all or any of it to a different time frame—will be: 
  • The biggest deadlines on the collaborative can’t talk about it yet project.
  • All the blog writing, Q&A-answering, and promotion to support the release of LIARS’ LEGACY.
  • Time-consuming end-of-the-year paperwork and tax stuff.
  • Trying not to lose the thread on my own writing goals.
So, yes, deep breaths indeed.

And holy crap, we’re in the final countdown to publication day for LIARS’ LEGACY!
  • Release day is December 31st.
  • Yes! It will be available in audio.
  • Autographed hardback first edition preorders are available again!
  • And there will be a few author events/ book signings in January/ February.
More info on all that below in just a bit.

We’re less than a month out from publication day and for the first time in all these many books I honestly don’t even know how I feel about it. On the one hand, this baby is finally about to head out into the world and there will now be readers and I’m no longer relegated to holding discussions about plot and characters with the voices in my head, woo-hoo! On the other, after everything that went on trying to get LIARS’ LEGACY written, there’s a huge part of me giving it wide berth and a wary side-eye like it’s a dangerous thing with the ability to bite me and I’d like to just pretend it doesn’t exist.

I also feel a bit sad (guilty? disappointed in myself? frustrated with myself?) because at this stage in the writing cycle I should already be well on my way to having the next book drafted and I’m… I’m not there. I’m not anywhere close to there. For legitimate reasons, obviously, but still. . .

On the up side, four months ago my brain was so shut down I could hardly plan two hours ahead from any given moment. Today I’m mostly back to being able to slay real life juggles—scheduling, planning, and remembering to pay bills—all that good stuff. Keeping up with the writing life side of things is still really hit or miss, though. There are days where I’m on top of it and days where I can’t even open the inbox. Online interaction is the hardest: responding to email (love reading it, though), posting on social media (also love reading it), creating updates—I truly don’t know why this in particular is so difficult. Maybe it has to do with the mental energy required to formulate coherent sentences—figuring out what to say? How to say it? All I know is I owe a lot of people apologies for simply dropping out of conversations.

Returning to the writing itself has been interesting. The cognitive struggle to make words work feels a little less—like it’s getting better, albeit slowly—but the biggest thing—and really I can’t even describe what a big deal this is—is that even though time in front of the page hasn’t been consistent, I find myself excited to return every time I do. And by returning, I mean returning to Munroe #6, THE FULCRUM.

For this I owe a debt of gratitude for the Patreon support and I can't say thank you enough for the overwhelming kindness in response to the "novella of a NEWSIE."

I want to talk a bit more about returning to Munroe, but first the important book release stuff:

AUTOGRAPHED PREORDERS for LIARS’ LEGACY: Last year was the first time 
we were able to make autographed preorders available and it was such a hit that we’ve since received multiple requests to do it again this year for LIARS’ LEGACY.
I’m happy to announce that we’ve finally got it up and rolling.

This was a bit of a challenge because a few months ago a series of tornadoes ripped through Dallas and Interabang Books, the store we partnered with to make this happen, took a direct hit.

Thankfully, because the tornado touched down after hours, nobody in the store was hurt.

The retail space itself, though, was a complete loss.

The team is still getting back on their feet and I’m really happy we can partner with them on this again, not only because it means being able to do something special and rare for you, but because it will also help send much needed business their way as they try to rebuild.

The very quick version on how to get autographed preorders for LIARS’ LEGACY: The deadline to preorder a personalized copy of LIARS’ LEGACY is DECEMBER 15th. This order link will take you directly to the preorder page for autographed hardcover first editions. 
Here’s the longer version via answers to questions that showed up in my inbox last year:

What is a preorder? Every book has a specific release date. This is the earliest you can walk into a store and buy a copy off the shelf or expect to receive an online order by mail. Any book you order before it’s available to be shipped/ sold is a preorder. No brick and mortar bookstore has the shelf space to carry every book that gets published every month so preordering is the best way to guarantee a title you want will be available when you want it. In the case of smaller bookstores, sometimes preordering is the only way.

What’s the difference between a preorder and an autographed preorder? Any book retailer can arrange to get you a title you want, but to have that title autographed/ personalized usually means buying it at an author event or bringing it to one.
This is an opportunity for fans and readers who can’t make it to an author event to not only receive autographed and personalized copies of LIARS’ LEGACY, but to receive them by release day, without any extra wait time, same every other pre-order.

I already preordered a copy through Amazon/B&N/Books-a-Million/etc. Will that preordered copy be autographed? Unfortunately, the only way to get these autographs done is for me to personally go into the store and sign the books and then have the store ship them to you. That’s why we have to partner with a local store to make it happen. For this reason, autographed preorders of LIARS’ LEGACY are only available through Interabang Books. 

Where do I go to preorder an autographed copy of LIARS’ LEGACY?

Why is there a December 15th deadline and what happens if I miss it? The December 15th deadline allows time for the bookstore to place the orders, receive the books from the publisher, for me to sign them, for the store to ship, and the books to reach you by release day in spite of lag time that comes with holiday delays. Interabang Books will have a limited number of autographed copies (no personalization possible) on hand for anyone who misses the deadline, but once these sell out, that’s the end of it.

How do I let you know what kind of personalization I would like? Once you’ve got the number of copies you want in your Interabang Books shopping cart, proceed to the checkout process. At the very end of the checkout page there is a box for notes and comments. That’s where personalized instructions should go. If you don’t leave any note or comment the assumption will be that you want the book personalized to the name of the purchaser.

Last year some of the comments were gloriously detailed, which was awesome, because then I knew exactly how to fulfill the request. And sometimes the comments were pretty sparse and so it took a bit of deciphering and guesswork to figure out the intent, which made me nervous, because the last thing I wanted was to disappoint someone by having their book arrive totally different from what they’d requested. So the clearer you can make the comments, the easier it will be for me to personalize exactly as you want it.


1: Buy a copy. This is the most obvious. But hardcover books are expensive and I understand that not everyone is in a financial position to make a purchase. If you are in a financial position to do so and you value the entertainment/ advice/ engagement that I provide, buying a copy is the only way to convince my publisher that future books are a good investment. If you mostly follow me for writing advice and aren’t necessarily interested in reading my work yourself, the books still make great gifts ;)

2: Ask your library to carry a copy. This counts even if you plan to buy a copy. Not only do libraries buy books but they are the best way for new readers to be introduced to my work. This is huge and I would appreciate it tremendously.

3: If you can’t afford a copy, please don’t pirate it. Please ask a library to carry it and read it from them instead. This really really really matters.

4: No matter where or how you get your copy, if you enjoy the book, please post a review. Reviews matter to the algorithm gods. This is the only way for a book to get visibility and put in front of other readers as an option. Best places for reviews are: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Book Bub, Goodreads, Kobo and your own social media. And it’s totally cool to post the same review in more than one place.

5: Tell friends and family and fellow readers about the series. Based on some pretty fun fan/reader emails I’ve received and stories I’ve been told, sometimes introducing readers to my work means literally putting the book in their hands.

6: Keep on being the awesomeness that is you.

LIARS’ LEGACY BOOK EVENTS: This year will be a very light event schedule which, as of right now, is limited to Houston, Austin, and Dallas.

Date: Tuesday, January 21st
Time: 6:30pm
Store: Murder by the Book, 2342 Bissonnet St, Houston, TX 77005
Date: Thursday, January 23rd
Time: 7:30pm
Store: Arboretum Barnes and Noble, 10000 Research Blvd #158, Austin, TX 78759
Date: Thursday, February 13th
Time: 6:00pm
Store: Interabang Books, 5600 W. Lovers Lane #142 Dallas, TX 75209

*NOTE: Due to the store having taken a direct tornado hit and having to relocate to new retail space, events have been hosted in multiple locations. This is the address I have as of December 3rd. Please check the Interabang website to confirm the location is still accurate at event time. The store email and phone number if you need them are: and 214.484.4289

And now…

RETURNING TO VANESSA MICHAEL MUNROE: Have you ever seen one of those “nailed it” memes? If not, they’re basically humorous self-deprecating before-and-after photos where the “before” is a magazine-worthy cake or craft project and the “after” is the hot mess that resulted when someone attempted to replicate the first. They’re so human and relatable which is what makes them so funny.

Anyway, the hot mess part of the equation has kind of been me during every writing session since I dusted off ye old FULCRUM files. Reality has fallen sooooo short of expectations. It’s a weird mental space to be in because much of my brain has come back for the everyday life stuff so when I sit down to write I just expect that my brain is going to be back for the wordsmithing stuff, too, and it’s not, and it’s really hard sometimes not to get frustrated or even angry with myself.

It was easier to be gentle and forgiving when everything about my brain was broken.

So, I’m learning, or at least trying to, to accept what is and work with what I’ve got.
Please don’t get too excited about there being another Munroe story any time soon. I’m not being self-deprecating or trying to modulate expectations when I say that. The struggle to write is still quite profound, but what gives me hope in all of this is that I am actually excited to write in spite of that struggle.

In that vein, several weeks ago I needed to refresh my memory on how something in THE INFORMATIONIST was specifically worded. My digital files only go as far as the editorial process so that meant returning to the actual hardcover book. I finally did find what I needed and from there just kind of kept reading and I hit a spot where Bradford puts his hand on Munroe’s arm to stop her from doing something and she leans down and says something to the effect of, “I like you Miles, so I’ll tell you this once. Touch me like that again and I’ll break every bone in your hand.”

And I was like… gasp… she is such a badass.

And I realized then that, you know, I’ve never actually read my own books.

I mean, yes, of course I’ve read them. Like maybe a hundred times each. I could totally tell you why I did what I did or said what I said for just about any sentence out of the nearly million words I’ve had published (Lord that’s a lot of words) but I’ve never actually read those words as a reader wanting to enjoy a story.

And I got to thinking about how maybe some of this struggle in returning to Munroe’s world isn’t just because my brain is a bit kaput, but also because I’ve been away from the characters for so long, and how maybe the best way for me to get back into Munroe’s head is to actually read the series.

Like, read every single book. From cover to cover.

Which is a totally, totally insane thing for me to do.

Firstly because I hate reading my own words, though hate might not be a strong enough to describe the agony of constantly rewriting your own voice in your own head. Secondly, I’ve had so little time free these past few years that I’ve hardly read but a couple of books at all, so it’s not like all of a sudden I’m just going to have tons of time to start burning through the pages. Thirdly, it’s not exactly like this is a good time to start reading what with the holidays and deadlines and then a book launch and all that.

But I kind of think I need to do this.

And I also kind of think that if I put it off till after the New Year, what with deadlines and book events and stuff, that really means putting it off till February. And if I put it off till February I might as well not even plan on it because there’s always going to be something else that comes up and if I don’t at least start soon, I will never do it. And the best way for me to make myself do something like this is to make a public commitment about it, and so that’s what I’m doing here.

Do you want to read the books along with me in book club fashion?

The biggest problem with this idea/invitation is that not everyone who would want to read with me is on the same platforms. Some people aren’t on any platforms at all. But I know myself well enough, and particularly know my current mental-mud struggles to know that if I try to do this in a way that accommodates everyone it will become complicated and that means I’ll end up not doing it at all.

So for the sake of my own sanity this is what I’ve figured is the easiest version that a) avoids annoying people who don’t want to receive notifications while b) also accommodating as many readers as possible without c) making it so overwhelming to myself that I quit before I start.

I’m going to start logging my Munroe book goals and thoughts on

  • To do this, I’m going to have to mentally view reading time as “work.”
  • This will eat into my writing time, but it’s the only way.
  • I can’t promise I will be super interactive in responding to comments (see above re: online interaction being the hardest) but I do promise to READ everything that’s posted because that part of the interaction is actually like a mental vacation.
  • For now, I’ll keep these posts free and open to the public (no Patreon account needed to read them). Due to the way Patreon works, I think participants would still need to have a Patreon account to comment/interact.
  • There are no costs associated with having a Patreon account.
  • You don’t need a payment method to open a Patreon account (you only need that if you plan to pledge).
  • Having a Patreon account allows you to be notified when new posts go up so you don’t have to keep checking to see if there’s something new.
  • There is also a Patreon app for both Android and IOS that allows you to access the platform via your mobile devices and it can send you notifications when a new post goes up.
SIDE NOTE: To set up a Patreon account you only need name, email address, and password. That’s it. Once your account is created search for “Taylor Stevens, Author.” My page should turn up as one of the first options. Click on my name and it will take you to my page.

Once you are on my page you can choose to pledge or to simply follow me without a pledge.

If you pledge, the site will automatically set you to follow posts at your pledge level or below.

To follow without a pledge using the desktop version: Once on my page scroll down past the “membership levels” and past the button that says “show more levels” and past the number of patrons, and there beneath the number of patrons you’ll see two buttons that say “share” and “follow.” Click follow.

To follow using the android app (IOS might be different): Once on my page look in the upper right hand corner for the three vertical dots. Click those dots. A sub menu will appear. Click follow.

That’s all there is to it. It takes about a minute total and you should get notification anytime a book post goes live. I’m hoping to have the first post up within a week and hope to see you there. :)

GOODIE GIVEAWAY: This month there are eight books in the giveaway pile. If you’d like to be entered to win, simply respond to this email with the subject “GOODIE GIVEAWAY.” If your email program likes to be difficult and won’t let you change the subject, just put GOODIE GIVEAWAY in the reply and I will make sure it gets to the right place.

The 4th, 13th, 25th, 39th, 51st, 60th, 78th, 82nd readers to respond will be prize winners this month. I read every single email that comes in but due to the volume, I’m ONLY able to respond to the 4th, 13th, 25th, 39th, 51st, 60th, 78th, 82nd respondents. If you email and don’t hear back, it’s not because I’m ignoring you, it’s because due to time and volume, I just can’t.

[Standard buzzkill disclaimer for all giveaways and offers of free books: Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Limited to U.S. addresses. I am not responsible for lost or misrouted emails, interrupted or unavailable network or server connections, other computer or technical failures, or post office mishandling.]

Wishing you love, warmth, and laughter now and in the year to come,


Mailing address:, 305 Spring Creek Village #466, Dallas, TX 75248, United States
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