Subject: You'll never be wealthy...

TAOST Weekly Wrap
Friday 22 March 2019 
Quote of The Day
"You'll never be wealthy as long as someone else controls your income."

-- The Trader
Hello Trader:

Don't read the quote above as me suggesting you should quit your job... I'm not.  Nor would I ever.

But I AM saying you should add more income streams to your many as make sense for your circumstances.

It's the only way to reach financial security... let alone wealth.

At any rate...

For the first time in some time I recorded a recap of the week's trading and how things look headed into next week.

You can find that recording here.  Don't be shy about throwing me a like/thumbs up on YouTube if the video resonates with you at all.  It helps. 

Whether you day, swing or portfolio trade, it should be useful to you.
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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