Subject: UBER's IPO Was Uber Messy Friend...

From The Desk of
The Trader
Friday 10 May 2019
TAOST Weekly Wrap
Volatility mushroomed in the stock market this week, as the major stock indices experienced their deepest correction of 2019. The wild swings were initiated by The Twitter Gangster In Chief with a threat to impose new tariffs on Chinese imports just before a Chinese delegation was due in Washington for negotiations... about tariffs.  This was especially surprising following weeks of positive reports regarding the negotiations with China and this summit was supposed to culminate in a grand trade deal.


Meanwhile, stock benchmarks all hit their lowest levels in more than a month, while Treasury yields plummeted as well, and risk assets were under pressure across the globe. We've seen wild intraday swings in stocks since December, as the often-contradicting tweets/headlines caused sudden shifts in investor sentiment over time. 

On Friday, 45 confirmed that talks with the Chinese will continue, which was enough to cause a short squeeze ahead of the weekend.

It's hard to say where things will go now... But if there's any follow through on Friday's rally, we may resume the up trend once again.

That's the immediate future...

Looking further out (which ain't really my thing, but let's go with it), if the trade war escalates rising prices will lead to inflation which will, in turn, lead to rising interest rates...

And we all know what happens when interest rates start to rise.
Uber went public... sorta...
The company priced its shares at $45...
Opened at $42...
And closed at $41.57.

The natural question is... why?
No one knows for certain, but here are a few suggestions...
  • UBER may be a so called "unicorn" but the company has yet to turn a single dollar of profit... and in fact lost $3 billion or so last year...
  • The company is going public as a Large Capitalization stock, so very little participation in the company's growth curve for public investors...
  • Retail investors got "plugged" with the stock...  That means there was MUCH lower participation by large, institutional money managers [Fidelity, Jennison, Putnam, etc.]... In order to complete the process, a lot of stock ended up in the hands of retail investors... much of which came right back to the market as soon as the stock opened below $45...
  • LYFT priced, opened and continues to trade badly... The stock also reported earnings that were charitably described as mixed...
UBER Intraday 5m Chart 
LYFT Daily Chart 
Russell 3000 Daily Chart
ES Emini Review [click for YouTube video]
Okay... that's enough for this weekend... Hope you're enjoying yours... Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers...

As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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