Subject: The Selling Appears To Be Over... For Now

Tuesday 14 May 2019 
Quote of The Day
"Want to figure out who's really on your squad? 
 Dig a foxhole."

--The Trader
A Few Headlines Of The Day
  • The Twitter Gangster In Chief cooled the tariff talk a bit... "it's just a 'squabble'") and markets staged a relief rally... He suggested it should be over within 3-4 weeks.  The bounce just proves the market was desperate for good news
  • Tech stocks led the bounce AAPL, MU, CSCO, INTC, AMD all contributed
  • Oil prices jumped on a drone attack of Saudi Aramco facility
  • Even Boeing [BA] bounced
  • Beyond Meat [BYND] was beyond up...
Friends don't let friends trade without TAOST
TAOST Power Zones & POIs Today
Sorry for the flub here yesterday... 
We saw a solid bounce in the stock market today... As always, the real question is whether we get follow through tomorrow.
The Charts
120m [Swing]
TAOST Stalk Stock
QSR looks ready to go... Drop down to a lower time frame to stalk a long setup.
As always, make up your own mind and, more important, minimize your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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