Subject: TAOST Daily Wrap Friday 17 May 2019 - Head Fake?

Friday 17 May 2019 
Quote of The Day
"Most people will save all year for a vacation, but ask them to save money to invest in a high profit business and they can't see how they could possibly save anything. 
They want the title, but not the job.  
Don't be that person... it's a bad look."

--The Trader
A Few Headlines Of The Day
  • The futures [ES] put in a big head fake today... Intraday prices looked like they would never come down again... I think because of aggressive short covering mostly.  TQQQ [below] was a bit more clear.  Stocks closed lower generally on ongoing trade related uncertainty, strong data notwithstanding
  • Today's Stuck on Stupid [SOS] Moment: 45 wants to quiz immigrants on civics... I'm cool with that... as long as he can pass the quiz FIRST... Which means there would be no quiz. 
  • China referred to 45's tactics as "bullying behavior" and unhelpful for negotiations... I'm just gonna let that one hang there for a few.
Friends don't let friends trade without TAOST
TAOST Power Zones & POIs Today
What goes up...
15m Chart -- TAOST Low Power Zone provided the launching pad this morning... That was the trade of the day.
120m Chart -- Good sell signal... no breach of stop level/resistance during rally
Daily Chart - TAOST Magnet Zone continues to hold...
Weekly Chart -- Weekly candle is a big question mark... Watch break of extremes [high and low] for an indication of direction next week.
TMZ [TAOST Magnet Zone not that other messy TMZ] held well here, but this could also be just a pullback from the new leg of the uptrend.
Yes, you're right... I did talk about TMZ yesterday [check your notes]... I could have drawn it in 4-5 days ago had I been paying attention to TQQQ.  When you're evaluating indicators and such, make sure they make use of context... ie help you think about potential setups in advance.
Meanwhile over in Unicornville - LYFT
Both LYFT and UBER make me think the public got played here... Early investors realized neither was ever going to be truly profitable... and sold them to an unwitting public market.  They will be tradeable... but not likely a portfolio long term hold...
TAOST Stalk Stock
This ain't your grandfather's credit card...
Well, actually, it is... But the stock acts brand new.
As always, make up your own mind and, more important, minimize your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

Good weekend all.

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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