Subject: Looking for Simple Trading Secrets & Lessons?

From The Desk of 
The Trader
“He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.”

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

I hope this little message finds you well... and Covid free.

You've likely noticed that I've been "quiet" over the last few weeks.  

Actually, I've only been quiet here... Over at my private Facebook group Secrets of Simple Trading, I've been kinda loud... Well... maybe not loud.  But definitely not quiet.
I've moved most of my posting to this private group as opposed to email.  That way your email box doesn't get beaten to a pulp, but I can still deliver plenty of information to those of you who are interested.  

I have a large and growing list of post topics.
I have an even larger and growing set of lessons and secrets in an area called Units.  This is where I put a lot of content to help you learn and develop as a trader.  As you can see below, it has a significant amount of content... And I continue to add to it.
Finally, I post trading ideas with some degree of regularity.  Here's a recent 1 that delivered more than 30% in less than a week.

Posted Thursday 30 July 2020... you can see on the chart below the chart laid out how price was using TAOST Balance Zone as support.
A few days later on Tuesday 4 August 2020, price spiked.
I even laid out how you could have made more than 300% on the exact same trade.  
At any rate... if you're receiving this email, you've been around for awhile and I want to offer you a lifetime, complimentary membership in my private Facebook group.  All you have to do is click this link to be taken to the group so that you can answer a couple of questions and be taken inside.

If you're not interested, no worries... but if you are interested, be sure to join sooner rather than later.  After the group gets up to 100 members, I'll start applying a small charge to future members.

Either way, good trading.

The Art of Simple Trading, PO Box 240356, Charlotte, NC 28224, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.