Subject: TAOST Daily Wrap For Tuesday 5 June 2018

TAOST Daily Wrap For Tuesday 5 June 2018

June 5th, 2018 at 6:29 pm EDT

TAOST WrapTuesday 5 June 2018 Quote of The Day"Already know you that which you need."--YodaThe market continued its march higher on the back of strong tech performance.Social Security hasn't done this in 36 year ...

TAOST Daily Wrap For Monday 2 June 2018

June 4th, 2018 at 9:33 pm EDT

TAOST WrapMonday 2 June 2018 Quote of The Day"If your strategy requires an ability to predict the future and/or a ridiculously high win percentage, your profitability is unsustainable."-- The TraderThe ES contin ...

TAOST Daily Wrap For Friday 1 June 2018

June 3rd, 2018 at 6:56 pm EDT

TAOST WrapFriday 1 June 2018 Quote of The Day"Four of the worst words in trading... 'If only I had...' You didn't. Move on."-- The TraderThe markets summoned the strength to bounce back from Thursday's drop an ...

TAOST Daily Wrap For Thursday 31 May 2018

May 31st, 2018 at 8:41 pm EDT

TAOST WrapThursday 31 May 2018 Quote of The Day"A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep."-- Vernon HowardWatch The Daily Wrap Here ›HPP Weekl ...

Tuesday 29 May 2018 EOD Wrap & A Trading Lesson From Kids

May 29th, 2018 at 5:35 pm EDT

Tuesday 29 May 2018 TAOST Wrap TAOST Quote of The Day"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."-- Karim SeddikiWatch The Daily Wrap Here ›ON - ON Semiconductor Corp - Weekly ON looks like an interesting ...

This is 1 of the most important keys to your trading success Friend

May 27th, 2018 at 3:48 pm EDT

From The Desk of The TraderFinancial Freedom HQ Greetings Friend: I'm often asked by the uninitiated what the exact key to making money in trading is... without all of the "fluff." There's no shortcut... But here is 1 of the most important keys. " ...

A few initial videos...

May 25th, 2018 at 12:41 pm EDT

From The Desk ofThe TraderA TAOST HackHow To Save Up A Trading StakePick a goal -- $3,000 is a nice round figure... it's also the minimum for some futures day trading brokers Pick a timeframe -- Say 12 MonthsCalculate required monthly savings rate ba ...

You just bought 1 share of FB at $184 Friend... Do you know what your risk is on the trade?

May 21st, 2018 at 1:12 pm EDT

From The Desk ofThe TraderBasic Position Sizing For Position Swing TradersSmall losses sting...Big losses maim...-- The Trader Your risk on the stock is, of course, $184 right?Wrong... While technically true, you're no more at risk on the full $184 ...

Friend what does $1,000 look like?

May 20th, 2018 at 6:16 pm EDT

From The Desk ofThe TraderWhat Does $1,000 Look Like?Luke: "I don't believe it." Yoda: "That is why you fail." --The Empire Strikes Back A dejected Luke tries to raise his X-Wing fighter out of the swamps of Dagobah using just his mind, but gives up ...

Up, Up & Away Friend

May 4th, 2018 at 6:03 pm EDT

From The Desk ofThe TraderFriday 4 May 2018A TAOST HackHow To Save Up A Trading StakePick a goal -- $3,000 is a nice round figure... it's also the minimum for some futures day trading brokers Pick a timeframe -- Say 12 MonthsCalculate required monthl ...