Subject: Which Way Will It Go Friend?

From The Desk of
The Trader
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self."
-- Khalil Gibran
The best way to have your money work for you is by growing it... Buying and holding the right stocks (or more likely the right indices) can do just that for you.

But there's only 1 problem... Actually 2...

Your money grows slowly... and that's only IF you have the right stocks.

Think about it... a truly diversified portfolio... you know, the one you hear everywhere you're supposed to have... can only deliver about the rate of inflation in terms of growth.

It has to... and that's not magic... it's math.

So if that's the case, why does everyone (investment professionals) say you MUST have a diversified portfolio?

It's simple really...

They're not talking to you.

Don't get me wrong... Your investment advisor wants your business... After all, they get paid based on the amount of money they have under management (this is assets under management... also known as AUM)... not how much money they make for you.

But when they discuss what you should do with your money they're talking to folks who have already made their big nut... Whether they inherited it or sold a company, the person who has several million dollars is less concerned with growing his money than he is with not losing it... or, more specifically in the case of inflation, not losing the spending power of the money they already have.

I digress from the point of tonight's email, but this is an important point.  If you can wrap your head around this idea, it will help you immensely moving forward.

Now, back to today's regularly scheduled program...
As you can see the buyers returned in force for the new year.  Actually, the volume hasn't been outstanding... but stock prices have pushed to new all time highs yet again.

Did I know that price would turn and march higher?


And if they tell you the truth, neither did anyone else.

What I did know was that odds were price would push higher... and like winning poker players, simple traders always go with the odds.

Stay Simple...

The Trader
P.S. On this Saturday I'll be running my TrInvesting training webinar.​​​​​​​  Attendees will learn how to get started properly so that trading success comes faster and is more sustainable. Approximately 4 hours in length, the class covers:

How to structure your accounts
How to manage 401k style accounts
How stock markets work
What makes trading “go”
The 20 Trading Terms every beginning trader must know
How to risk more while risking less
The TrInvestor™ Method Overview
The TrInvestor™ Method Step By Step

And quite a bit more.

The goal is for attendees to know exactly what to do when I share stocks from my proprietary screens that look like this...
The price is $325 and I have 3 seats available. It's not the only or last time I'll teach this, but I thought I would offer it up since a couple of you asked when I was going to do a training.  It's also the gateway to my swing trading subscription product.

At any rate, If you're interested, just hit reply and let me know... I'll then send you a link to register. 

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