Subject: Was there another sell signal today?

From The Desk of 
The Trader
Financial Freedom HQ
Tuesday 5 December 2017

Good Evening Friend:

Did the market throw us another huge hint/sell signal today?

That's both the maddening as well as the awesome thing about the market...

"It do what it do..."

Our job is to respond appropriately

What's appropriate?

If you're trend trader, you make sure your stop is in the right place and sit tight.

If you're a countertrend trader, you take your low risk countertrend setup... and sit tight.

If you trade both trend and countertrend...

Seek help.


If you trade both ways, pick one... and sit tight.

By the way... One of you asked what I meant by "sell the news" yesterday...

I was wondering if anyone would.

That was the back half of the saying, "Buy the rumor... Sell the news."

Meaning... The market is what's called a discounting mechanism.  The prices you see in the market each day reflect traders trying to assign a value to the future cashflows expected to be generated by a company.  

In other words, traders are trying to make a judgement about how a company is going to perform in the future.

In the case of the tax relief news... The market has been anticipating that for months... 

It's the rumor traders have been buying... pushing the market higher.

When the actual news that's been "rumored" finally comes out, it tends to underwhelm... and traders begin to "sell the news."

And that may be exactly what we're seeing here.
Hope it helps.


The Trader

PO Box 240356, Charlotte, NC 28224, United States
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