Subject: The difference between trading and investing...

From The Desk of 
The Trader
Sunday Evening
1 October 2017
Financial Freedom HQ 

Good Evening Folks...
I trust everyone had a good weekend...

Let me suggest what the difference between trading and investing is not:

The difference between trading and investing is none of these things... Though these things often live on one side versus the other as to trading vs. investing.

The quick and dirty answer to what the difference between trading and investing actually is... Trading is about capital gains primarily.  Investing is mostly about profiting from the underlying performance of the asset(s). 

In other words, traders generally want to buy at 1 and sell at 2 in the marketplace.  Investors on the other hand, want to buy a company (via ownership or by loaning money) and collect dividends and/or interest payments from the underlying company's performance.

A loose distinction and it varies among companies and market participants, but it holds up for the most part...

And it holds absolutely for my trading.

But don't believe me... Test it for yourself.
Here's your PreCap for this week.

Enjoy the remainder of your evening.

Stay simple.


The Trader

PO Box 240356, Charlotte, NC 28224, United States
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