Subject: TAOST Weekly Wrap For Friday 6 July 2018

Friday 6 July 2018 
Quote of The Day
"Self trust is a reward of self discipline."

-- The Trader
Hey folks... Welcome to this holiday abbreviated week's trading wrap.

I'm including a few chart markups this week... I hope you guys find it helpful.

SPX Weekly

DJIA Weekly
The strength of the pattern is less apparent on the Daily, but it's there... Kinda.
Nasdaq 100 Weekly
Nikkei Monthly
German DAX Monthly
FTSE Monthly
TNX [10 Year Bond Yield] Monthly
The 10 Year Bond Yield is struggling to get (and stay) above 3%.
Crude Oil Monthly
How Crude responds to TMZ [TAOST Magnet Zone] will be interesting... $80 is a line in the sand for most analysts.
Gold [GLD] Monthly
Price bounced out of TAOST Magnet Zone, pulled back to the top of it and then bounced again, but appears to be softening after having failed at a couple of resistance levels more than once.
Bitcoin Monthly
Price bounced out of TAOST Magnet Zone, pulled back to the top of it and then bounced again, but appears to be softening after having failed at a couple of resistance levels more than once.
The ES S&P Emini

ES Daily Chart As of 6 July 2018
The daily ES chart shows a powerful explosion up through TAOST Hi Power Zone.  Reasonable to expect at least a pullback next week... likely to the previous level of resistance (around 2748).
ES Swing [120 Minute] Chart As of 6 July 2018

Price popped through resistance today, but right into resistance in Sell Channel I.
ES [60 Minute] Chart As of 6 July 2018

The number of tests of the resistance area around 2748 are clear on the 60 minute chart.  Expect at least a pullback to that previous resistance level.
Summer Of TAOST Bias
BIAS recovered losses from earlier in the week.

Click to review the trades spreadsheet.
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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