Subject: TAOST Weekly Wrap For Friday 3 August 2018

TAOST Weekly Wrap
Friday 3 August 2018 
Quote of The Day
"Prejudices are what fools use for reason."

-- Voltaire
When you prejudge, you sacrifice potential opportunities because you "heard" it was risky... or someone told you they lost a lot of money in a given activity... or, perhaps worst of all, you read [or these days heard on a podcast] someone declare the gig economy a hoax... or Uber a sham... or day trading impossible.

Do yourself a favor... make your own determinations about matters of import... Or you will forever be the person saying "I wish I had tried..."

SPX Weekly

DJIA Weekly

Nasdaq 100 Weekly

Nikkei Weekly

German DAX Weekly

FTSE 100 [UKX] Weekly

TNX [10 Year Bond Yield] Weekly

Crude Oil Weekly

Gold [GLD] Weekly

Bitcoin Weekly
The ES S&P Emini

ES Weekly Chart As of 3 August 2018
ES Daily Chart As of 3 August 2018
ES Swing [120 Minute] Chart As of 3 August 2018

Summer Of TAOST Bias -- Balance $5,400
For the week +65 ticks which translates to a gain of $812.50 gross and $747.50 net for TAOST BIAS strategy.  

Friday was an interesting day... Five 4 tick losses in fairly quick succession.  It was my intention to be done, but of course... In the early afternoon I rationalized that I was still up for the week and the afternoon direction was "clear."  Since I was gonna be around for most of the afternoon, I took "1 more" trade with an aggressive target.  

Price hit the target right before I left to pick up my kids... A bit of luck I suppose, but I'll take it.  The real question is whether it was the right trade to take.  

Remember, just because it worked out well (profitably) doesn't mean it was a good trade.

Click below to review the trades spreadsheet.
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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