Subject: TAOST ES & YM Power Zones Wrap 31 July 2018 Tuesday

Tuesday 31 July 2018 
Quote of The Day
"The only thing to do when a person is wrong is to be right, by ceasing to be wrong. Cut your losses quickly, without hesitation. Don’t waste time." 

-- Jesse Livermore

Don't work on perfecting your profits.  Work on perfecting your losses.  

The patience... The discipline... The Emotional Capital™ of embracing and perfecting your losses... of your risk management is the key to hundreds of thousands... if not millions of dollars of profit in fairly short order.

Note:  You can click the ES chart image below to see the end of day Power Zones wrapup.
ES Daily
Price bounced at TLPZ... and went right to TDBZ today.

SPX Index Daily
Overall trend is up... intermediate trend is down... and we bounced substantially today.  Anything can happen with the FOMC announcing its rate decision tomorrow.

SPXL [Leveraged SPX Index] Daily
TAOST Bias -- Current Balance > $5,150
Positive result, but terrible grade for Bias trading today (see video above).

As a recap... I started trading the TAOST Bias Strategy at the beginning of June 2018.  I started it with $1,000 with an eye toward growing that initial amount as much as possible.  I ended June with $3,287.50 in the account or +228%.

I've since continued trading the Bias strategy in that account along with my regular trading.  I removed $1,000 at the beginning of July so as to remove all of my initial risk.  

As of today (the last day of July) the balance of the account is $5,150... that would be a return of 515% in 2 months if the initial $1,000 hadn't been removed.  Without the initial risk, the return is... unlimited... 

Theoretically at least.  Either way, it's not bad.

Click here to see the Bias Trades... 
Chart of The Day
Nisource [NI] is today's chart of the day...

The company was a part of TAOST Stalker Index back in November 2013, so it's done pretty well.  It also reports tomorrow [1 August 2018], so anything could happen, but my guess is price pops out of the flag.

As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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