Subject: TAOST Daily Wrap For Tuesday 12 June 2018

Tuesday 12 June 2018 
Quote of The Day
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."
It was an odd day.

I woke up to a confused son (my oldest) standing over me panicking because he thought today was our trash collection day and that daddy had neglected to put the garbage out.  He'd clearly forgotten that our collection day was moved to Thursday... 6 months ago.  Then again, maybe he never realized it because it's not his job to put it out anyway... yet.

Now there's a long list of things I forget to do/screw up, but forgetting to put the garbage out for collection?  At the beginning of the summer?  That just ain't on said list.


We lost the internet... 

Both pipes.

I'm sure I needn't tell most of you what a hellish existence losing the internet is nowadays... especially with both kids stuck in that apocalypse known as post school year pre summer camp (it starts Monday at 8:29:59... not that I'm counting down mind you)... But that is where we found ourselves this morning.  Apparently, an accident knocked out some kind of relay station at the front of our community (or so they said) and damaged both our primary and redundancy pipe.

It was probably that damned trash collection truck that showed up on the wrong day.

So that's how today started... and remained until just a few minutes ago.

Wife couldn't get anything done...

Kids were bat shit crazy without their NBA2K18...

And I couldn't trade.

So I don't much care that you had a bad day.  

I actually do care, but for the purposes of this rant, I don't care.


ES Daily
The ES ran a bit in both directions today, after initially staying in about a 5 point range all morning.  Still, it ultimately did nothing.  It saw a high 1 tick below yesterday's and closed a single point higher than yesterday.  I suspect the entire equity market is waiting to hear the outcome of the FOMC meeting at its conclusion tomorrow.
ES 15 Minute Chart
Click chart for video.  Actually, don't bother... there's nothing there.  What you see is what you get.  12 point range for the entire day.
Summer Of TAOST Bias
As you may have guessed, there's no trade to report today.

Don't bother clicking this today either because there's nothing to tell...
Today's TAOST Stalk Candidates
I've been accused at times of being a Large Cap stock hater.

While it's true that I believe Small & Mid Cap stocks are in better places in their growth curves, there may or may not be truth to my preference for them over their Large Cap brethren.  

Either way, today's Stalk Candidates at market caps of 69 and 46 billion respectively should kill all that noise... at least for a while.  The first is Federal Express [FDX] and the second is Praxair [PX].
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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