Subject: TAOST Daily Wrap For Thursday 5 July 2018

Thursday 5 July 2018 
Quote of The Day
"You can change your financial life today...
Or be in the exact same spot this time next year." 

-- The Trader

You're well within your rights to wait...  
No one can (or should) tell you different.  
But are you in a better place than you were last year?

ES 15m
The S&P Emini dipped initially before making new intraday highs.

Click the image to review EOD wrapup.

SPX Daily
The S&P 500 managed to get off the mat yet again, bouncing at the rising trendline.
Summer Of TAOST Bias 
The universe once again reminded me who's boss.  I lost a total of 14 ticks today... 8 on the first trade and 6 on the second.  

Click to see Bias Trades... 
Today's TAOST Stalk Candidate
Prologis, Inc. [PLD] is today's stalk candidate...
Prologis has put in the hard work off it's lows to be back at it's highs from a decade ago.  And now it's pulled back and is providing a handle for the off center cup.  

Look to lower timeframe buy setups to enter. 
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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