Subject: TAOST Daily Wrap For Thursday 14 June 2018

Thursday 14 June 2018 
Quote of The Day
"If your employer can replace you for less money and essentially the same production, he will.
What's more?
He should."

--The Trader
I know...

That's not the kinder, gentler employment... But really, who has that these days?

And tell the truth... If you could find a different job for 20% more money and 80% of the same work, would you not take it?

Thought so.

ES Daily
Decent action today, but no basic setups.  Price seems to have turned the corner and held at support... anyone's guess re whether we can push higher.
ES 15 Minute Chart
Click chart for video.
This 15 minute chart suggests that price will move higher.
Summer Of TAOST Bias
Nothing to add to (or subtract from) the Bias tracking... No setups today.
Today's TAOST Stalk Candidate
VVC is giving a strong weekly pattern... I would stalk it on a lower timeframe and use the price from which VVC gapped as a stop level.
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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