Subject: One person with a belief...

TAOST Weekly Wrap
Friday 24 August 2018 
Quote of The Day
"One person with a belief is equal to ninety-nine who have only interests."

-- John Stuart Mill
Belief is the nitrous oxide that powers performance.  

And everyone has their own source.

SPX Weekly

DJIA Index Weekly

Nasdaq 100 Weekly

Nikkei Weekly

German DAX Index Weekly

FTSE 100 [UKX] Weekly

TNX [10 Year Bond Yield] Weekly

Crude Oil (CL-Futures)Weekly
The crude oil futures tell us that price remains mired below the Magnet Zone for now.

Gold [GC-Gold Futures] Weekly

Bitcoin Weekly
The ES S&P Emini
As the charts show, the S&P Emini spent the week working its way higher concluding just under resistance at TAOST Weekly Hi Power Zone.  I should note that the volume was tepid for most of the week fo what it's worth.

ES Weekly Chart As of 24 August 2018
ES Daily Chart As of 24 August 2018
ES Swing [120 Minute] Chart As of 24 August 2018

TAOST Bias Tracker 
Current Balance $7,270.00
The toughest challenge this week was adding a contract to the party... Having traded millions of shares of stock and many thousands of futures contracts, 1 would think that adding 1 little old contract would be meaningless to me...

But alas... I know (and you should learn) that position sizing is one of the biggest determinants of your success in the markets...right after your ability to manage your emotions.  Come to think of it, your position size is both determined and driven by management of your emotions.

As a result of the power of position size, I treat the subject with the respect and care it deserves.  That, in turn, leads me to ALWAYS trade as few contracts as possible to achieve my goals.

Make that part of your trading as well.

Click below to review the trades spreadsheet.
This Week On TAOST's Facebook Page

A look at some of my Facebook posts from this week.    
  1. Retirees out of $100,000,000? But hey, it's day trading that's crazy risky right?
  2. Down 40% -- What if someone lost 40% of your money?  Don't lie... you'd be looking for her/him in the daylight with a flashlight.
  3. The cost of money -- The price of everything else is rising... Why not the cost of money itself?
  4. Which way is the price of gasoline headed? -- Another look at crude oil... The weekly above is even more recent.
If you're not already a member, join my free FB community...

As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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