Subject: My biggest regret...

TAOST Weekly Wrap
Friday 28 September 2018 
Quote of The Day
"My biggest regret could be summed up in one word, and that's procrastination."

-- Ron Cooper
Global equity indices finished September higher on balance even though this last week finished in the red for the most part.  While bulls are inclined to be nervous about any pullback, we know that digesting gains is healthy for stocks.  Don't start looking to exit and/or get short unless price gives you a clear indication that it wants to make a significant drop.  What is the first thing to look for?  The first indication will be a a convincing drop through support on multiple equity indices.
SPX Weekly

DJIA Index Weekly

Nasdaq 100 Weekly

Nikkei Weekly

German DAX Index Weekly

FTSE 100 [UKX] Weekly

TNX [10 Year Bond Yield] Weekly

Crude Oil (CL-Futures) Monthly

Gold [GC-Gold Futures] Monthly

Bitcoin Weekly
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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