Subject: Many of us crucify ourselves...

Wednesday 26 September 2018 
Quote of The Day
"Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future." 

Fulton Oursler

Per the quote we allow these 2 poles of our existence to rob us of much of the "good stuff."  

Stop doing that to yourself... It can have no good end.

Fed Day
As expected, the FOMC's announcement day generated plenty of fireworks.  

I missed it.  I was attempting to coach 2 reluctant youngsters to give their all to drills that will help them in their respective sports... without the use of any balls.

They were about as happy as I was missing the opportunities.

At least we were on the same page.  Misery loves company and all.

Still... have a look at this pre-open video I posted in the FB Group this morning.  Viewed through the lense of the post close chart below [ES 15m].
ES 15m
The ES tells its own story today... It started off doing a mild Foxtrot... and erupted into frenzied Tango when the Fed decision was announced.
ES Swing Chart 120m

ES Daily Chart

ES Weekly Chart
YM 15m
TAOST Power Zones worked well again. 
SPX Daily
Chart of The Day
Apple, Inc. [AAPL] -- I know this stock has been covered here more than once... However, a friend asked me today for my thoughts on AAPL.  The weekly chart tells me the masses still believe...

What do you think? 

Now what I didn't say above is that this friend has a significant portion of his retirement funds tied up in the stock.  He also knows that he will have to sell significant tranches of his position for the living expenses of he and his wife over the next 4 years.

What do you think I told him?
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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