Subject: Long time no "speak" Friend

From The Desk of 
The Trader
I know, I know... It's all my fault.  I'm the one who went all ghosty silent... kinda.

Actually, "what had happened was..." 
  • my site was successfully hacked for the first time in 8 years... made me all the more happy that I refused to accept credit cards
  • the hack set off a bit of a back forth with my host company... remind me to tell you about it some day, but suffice it to say that I lost more than 900 pages of content
  • I decided to give my domain a rest and shift all of my online teaching and coaching to facebook... that yielded more than 20,000 likes, fans, followers or whatever you call them... but substantially less actual engagement


I've also been REALLY busy consulting and perfecting a new day trading approach, but I thought it might be a good time to reach out and encourage you to "be of good cheer" even though the market seems to have lost its mind (it hasn't). 

I’ve heard from lots of traders (mostly institutional interestingly enough) seeking reassurance because Monday was the worst Christmas Eve sell off on record.  Like... ever.

And this after we've already been selling off for a couple of weeks now.

The talking heads in the media are fanning the flames of fear and freaking people out.

After more than 20 years in the markets, let me say this...

Don’t listen to the doom-and-gloomers. They’re ALWAYS predicting the next Apocalypse. Let them cry wolf about the selloff -- but remember even broken clocks are right twice a day.

It's kinda like the weather channel saying THIS storm is the storm to end all storms.  It might be... but it's more likely that it will be a bad storm... and this is just the weather channel's way of creating cliffhangers.

Instead of the aforementioned freak out I’d like to offer you some peace of mind… 


Those of you who have been around here know that's something I say from time to time.  It doesn't mean we won't go lower... Or that we'll go higher.

It just means that it doesn't matter.  Whether we go lower or start moving higher during the next trading session, there are always opportunities to make money.

Always have been... Always will be.

At any rate...

I'll be relaunching soon... if you'd like to be notified when I do... and to stay on my email list, click here and opt in as I'll be deleting this list after I send this email.

Either way, Happy Holidays and here's to a (very) profitable new year for you.
Speak soon.

KIS (still means Keep It Simple),

The Trader
PO Box 240356, Charlotte, NC 28224, United States
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