Subject: Free Webinar Friday 23 March - The Truth About Trading

From The Desk of 
The Trader
Financial Freedom HQ 
Hi Friend:

On Friday 23 March 2018 I'll be delivering a free webinar.  Details below. Hope to "see" you there.

The Art of Simple Trading Presents: 

Are you:
  • a West coast corporate warrior who wants to add an additional income stream?
  • a former corporate professional who wants to create an income stream without returning to your former all consuming world?
  • a stay at home parent with a bit of time flexibility? 
  • a business owner looking to add an income stream unrelated to your primary business?
  • someone fast approaching retirement, but feeling ill prepared (in terms of savings)?
If you’re any one of these… or you know someone who is (feel free to share this), you should read this to the end… or just go ahead and skip to the bottom and reserve your seat for the webinar.

In this free webinar I’ll explain what trading is… and what it isn’t. I’ll also dispel a number of myths, anyone of which may be preventing you from learning and deploying a simple trading process for yourself.

You probably think that short term trading is complicated, takes years of practice, is only for people who have an expertise in statistics/math and/or that you need to spend all day at your computer to make any money doing it.

You’re wrong…

Anyone can learn how to trade. Anyone can apply discipline and low risk choices to make their money grow in the market. I can teach you how.

I'll be opening my Trading Circle to new members soon, but first I want to introduce myself and my philosophy so you know why and how trading can be a rewarding side hustle for you. Trading is no panacea… and it’s certainly not “easy.” But with a little work and, just as important, a focus on understanding and controlling risk, you can use trading to create a second or third sustainable income stream for yourself.

Join this free webinar to learn:
  • How trading can be an excellent way to create a secondary income 
  • How to manage and even mitigate risk with a focused and disciplined strategy
  • Why you don't need much time or money to get started
  • Why you don’t need Wall Street or finance experience to trade successfully
  • How much you can realistically expect to make if you do this correctly
And a whole lot more.

But a word of caution… This is not the right webinar for you if:
  • You’re looking for a get rich quick scheme… my own “overnight success” was 15 years in the making, so I’m not the right person to guide you if you’re looking for an immediate miracle
  • You think you’re going to learn how to trade at a single, free webinar… I don’t think it’s possible to become a consistently profitable trader at a single, free event… so I would never promise as much
  • You’re unwilling to exercise discipline and prudence... As in other areas of your life, discipline and prudence will produce far better outcomes than pretty much anything else… trading is no different
  • You don’t have enormous respect for risk... My success as a trader is due to my understanding, respect and minimization of risk… at every turn. If you can’t commit to developing the same, this is not a good webinar [and I’m not a good mentor] for you
If this sounds like your cup of tea, click below to register, add it to your calendar and be sure to join us for the live webinar. 
KIS [Keep It Simple],


P.S. Don’t worry… replay will be available for registrants who are unable to attend the Friday morning time slot, so be sure to register if you're interested.

PO Box 240356, Charlotte, NC 28224, United States
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