Subject: Creativity is overrated.

From The Desk of 
The Trader
Sunday Evening
12 March 2017
Financial Freedom HQ 
"Creativity is overrated. Most business success comes from doing boring, diligent work, from developing a system that produces consistent results and sticking to it."
-- Ray Kroc

Good evening folks... I hope everyone had a good, relaxing weekend.

There are no truer words than those uttered by Ray Kroc several years ago.

A simple, replicable process like making and selling a burger (especially if you can make a mint upselling the accompanying high margin coke and fries)can bring untold riches as Ray's legacy shows.

Unfortunately, most people are looking for that "magic bullet."

The business idea that can and will go from their head to delivering substantial monetary reward virtually overnight.

I can tell you, it doesn't exist.

Mark Zuckerberg seems to have come out of nowhere with the most popular and life changing social media platform in history... 

Michael Dell was a goofy undergrad student at UT-Austin struggling to get a date when he decided this personal computer thing could have legs... 

Dmitry Balyasny (bet you've never even heard of this particular billionaire)came from nowhere to become the head of an enormous hedge fund inside 10 years...  

What's missed in each of these stories is the days and years of toil that came before these guys "exploded on the scene."

Zuckerberg coded for years (sometimes while buzzed and dateless) before "The Facebook" took off.

Dell tried multiple businesses before "Dude you're getting a Dell" became a popular advertisement...

Finally, Balyasny was "just a day trader" at a prop shop before he rose to respectability and became an "investor."

Each of these guys was a long "overnight" success who had a business which was, at its core... simple and replicable.

That's your key to wealth too.

Stay simple.


The Trader
PO Box 240356, Charlotte, NC 28224, United States
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