Subject: Controlling the weather...

TAOST Weekly Wrap
Friday 31 August 2018 
Quote of The Day
"I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature."

-- Paulo Coelho
You don't need to control the wind if you can control those sails...

Equity markets inched ever higher this week on light volume...  It will be interesting to see what happens after the long weekend (U.S.) as we settle into the early stages of Fall...

SPX Weekly

DJIA Index Weekly

Nasdaq 100 Weekly

Nikkei Weekly

German DAX Index Weekly

FTSE 100 [UKX] Weekly

TNX [10 Year Bond Yield] Weekly

Crude Oil (CL-Futures)Weekly

Gold [GC-Gold Futures] Monthly
Bitcoin Daily
The price of Bitcoin keeps bouncing off the major support level down below.  Sellers are good shape unless price can make it up through the resistance line.
The ES S&P Emini
As the charts show, the S&P Emini broke through the previous all time high and even managed to breach the top of  TAOST Weekly Hi Power Zone.  

ES Weekly Chart As of 31 August 2018
ES Daily Chart As of 31 August 2018
ES Swing [120 Minute] Chart As of 31 August 2018

TAOST Bias Tracker 
Current Balance $7,835.00
Only added about $500 to the balance this week...

This will be the last week that I publish the Bias Tracker... 

To this point, the strategy
  • Returned 783.5% on the original $1,000 (remember, the balance above is net of that original $1k as a risk reduction strategy)
  • Delivered 97 trades
  • Win rate - 46%
  • Average Black Ratio -- 6.15
  • Is ahead of the model by $1,800 (at trade date 64, the model is up to $6,000)
There's no way I can promise that new folks would be able to do the same.  It really depends on your Emotional Capital... and everyone's is different.  What I can say is I tried to trade the strategy pretty close to exact same each time... especially in the first month.

Hope you've enjoyed following along.

Click the chart of the equity curve below to review the trades spreadsheet.
This Week On TAOST's Facebook Page

A look at some of my Facebook posts from this week.    
  1. Confident or crazy?  The last time Americans were this confident in the economy, furniture(dot)com was a thing.
  2. When does $4.03 = $23.68?  Answer: When the spending power of your income has been flat for 40 years.
  3. The 14 year timebomb -- Can you handle a 23% cut in your Social Security benefits?
  4. The wrong kinda short stack -- This company must think someone confused their stock with an order at IHOP.
  5. Penalty box -- A professional athlete faces a real penalty...
  6. Think your Social Security is safe? -- Think again.
  7. An imminent selloff?
If you're not already a member, join my free FB community...

As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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