Subject: Back To The Summer

Monday 20 August 2018 
Quote of The Day
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion... But not to his own facts."

-- Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Many people have the opinion that the markets are dangerous, can't be traded profitably, etc.

But there's only 1 set of facts.

ES 15m
Today was a tough 1 with less than 700k contracts traded.  I had 3 losses and took my ball to go home... But got almost all the way there and felt like I had 1 more game in me... and the street lights weren't on yet.

I increased my size on the last trade ostensibly because I know the increase is coming anyway, but knowing me, I did it because I wanted my money back from the losses earlier.  Price ran up nicely on that trade and would have returned my losses + a bit had I exited... which I did not.

Oh well... down small... 

And don't forget... I'd rather be flat or down small for the day than up small...

YM 15m

SPX Index Daily
TAOST Bias -- Account Balance $6,160
A small fall in the balance, but still in pretty good shape.

Click to see Bias Trades... 
Chart of The Day
The Clorox Company [CLX] is today's chart of the day.  

Full disclosure... 1 of my best friends works for a division of this company... she doesn't run it... yet... and I don't trade single stocks, but I wouldn't want some moron saying something stupid like, "I wonder why he didn't disclose the fact that his friend works there."

If that would be you, shut it... and unsubscribe... 

As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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