Subject: Are we about to see a good buy opportunity?

From The Desk of 
The Trader
Financial Freedom HQ 
31 January 2018

Greetings Trader:

A quick note/heads up...

The last time this happened I pointed out to you guys, but apparently I wasn't loud enough.

I referenced this in a site post to the broader world yesterday, but most people will miss it.

This heads up is just for you guys (list members)...

It's entirely possible that the market is presenting a tremendous buying opportunity right here.
Now before any of you are tempted to go refill your haterade goblets...
  • No, I'm not guaranteeing the market is about to do the same thing it did the last time I pointed this out...
  • No, I don't know if we've seen the bottom of this move...
  • No, you don't need to trade index futures to make use of this idea...  You can swing trade this via your favorite stock or etf as long as it meets your purchase criteria...
  • Yes, this is consistent with the idea that we may have seen a market top for awhile... There are always moves within moves...
  • Yes, the bounce we're seeing could just be an end of the month play (or FOMC related or anticipation of good numbers from FB) and the selling is set to resume tomorrow...
  • Yes, it's entirely possible (maybe even likely if you don't know what you're doing) that you'll lose money if you try to trade this...
However... I like the potential against the risk of this chart structure every time I see it and it has shown itself to be extremely profitable when it works.


The Trader

P.S. If this all still sounds like Greek to you (unless you're Greek), you should come to a class.  Hit reply to find out more.
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