Subject: 25 July 2018 Wednesday TAOST ES & YM Power Zones Wrap

Thursday 2 August 2018 
Quote of The Day
"I had reached the point at which I was no longer afraid to die.  This spirit made me a free man in fact, while I remained a slave in form." 

-- Frederick Douglass

While 45 may not recognize the words, the man or his current state, I do (may he rest in peace).  

But I digress...

The words of Mr. Douglass apply to your trading life as well... with a bit of modification of course.  The moment you are no longer afraid to accept a loss, you have stepped outside the Matrix...

When your losses live comfortably inside your wins, you're free... 

Financially at least...

ES 15m
Price put in a surprising performance today... It took off at the beginning of the cash market... and never looked back.

YM 15m

SPX Index Daily
Price found support at 2800...again.

SPXL [Leveraged SPX Index] Daily
$48 is good support here... and reacted to it.
TAOST Bias Equity Curve 
This would make the average person pretty happy.
TAOST Bias Trade Results 
It should be pretty clear that the expectancy here is positive.
TAOST Bias -- Account Balance $5,230
A net loss on the day for the Bias... -12 ticks.  Interestingly, I was a net loser because I deviated from my setup... twice [thus the 2 zero grades].  Otherwise, I would have made my Daily Goal.

Still, my overall process was a winner... If you can balance 4 tick loss trades with 20 tick win trades, you can definitely average a TAOST Black Ratio™ above 2... and make some money to boot.

Click to see Bias Trades... 
Chart of The Day
Apple, Inc [AAPL] is today's chart of the day... again.
Apple is the first company to cross the trillion dollar market cap mark... 

But to the price action it matters little.
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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