Subject: 25 July 2018 Wednesday TAOST ES & YM Power Zones Wrap

Wednesday 25 July 2018 
Quote of The Day
"Be careful around small minded people... it's contagious..." 

-- The Trader

Make sure your "immunizations" [self belief, self confidence, and bs meter] are on point before you engage with a small minded person... Otherwise, their affliction can easily get on, and inflict you.

Note:  You can click either the ES or the YM chart image below to see the end of day Power Zones wrapup.
ES 15m
Bang zoom... ES took off today, ostensibly because of a deal struck by 45 with Europe...

I'll take the performance and wait for the other shoe to drop re the news. 
YM 15m
Here's a look at the YM (Dow Mini Index Future).  It basically mirrored the ES... as usual. 
SPX Index Daily
Both SPX and SPXL exploded higher today.
SPXL [Leveraged SPX Index] Daily
A net loss on the day for the Bias... -8 ticks.  Interestingly, 

Click to see Bias Trades... 
Chart of The Day
Facebook [FB] is today's chart of the day...
Facebook did an about face in the after market.
As always, make up your own mind and mind your risk no matter what you do.​​​​​​​

The Trader​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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