Better to be safe than sorry, be prepared for Wintertime Vocal Issues!
Introduction Any sore throat and discomfort, no matter how mild, might evolve into serious hoarseness and pains. Any such pains or discomfort should serve as a warning against making a vocal effort, which might have harmful effects.
Once you experience such discomfort, treat them as soon as possible.The sooner you start treating it, the more likely you are to handle the problem of Wintertime Vocal Issues. Resuming your normal vocal efforts without treating the problem will only worsen the condition.
Preventive measures: In order to overcome the problem, your body needs all the energy it can muster. Therefore, have a sufficient rest. Make sure to sleep over 6 hours a day, continuously, in order to enhance your immune system so you can avoid Wintertime Vocal Issues
Want to know more on how to prevent Wintertime Vocal Issues?