Subject: Soft Start Vocal Technique: How to Speak and Sing when hoarse

Soft Start vocal technique - Speaking (and singing) softly, when you are hoarse
During hoarseness, you must use different vocal technique, called Soft Start, in order to avoid worsening and prolonging the damage.

When you are hoarse, you probably hesitate about the proper way of singing or speaking, vocal exercising and rest. I guess you wonder whether you should just keep quiet altogether.

When resuming your vocal activity after a few days-long vocal disorder or hoarseness, you were probably amazed to find your voice gradually recovered from hoarseness, despite or maybe just because of you resuming vocal routine. But, resuming normal vocal activity can also worsen your hoarseness.
If it sounds terribly confusing, let me repeat a basic rule: be attentive to your voice and your throat-feelings. When you are hoarse, you must choose, day by day what treatment is best for your voice, until you resume normal vocal activity.

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