Subject: How to deal with the effects of Incomplete Vocal Folds Closure?

How to deal with the effects of 
Incomplete Vocal Folds Closure?

What is Incomplete Vocal Folds Closure?

Your vocal folds contact and part of each other hundreds of times per second. Their contact is the main cause of the voice you make.

Once the vocal cords do not close tightly or symmetrically, they will not be airtight. In such a case, you may suffer some of the following vocal difficulties:

Airy voice;
Loss of voice;
Brittle voice;
Low vocal intensity
Unstable voice;
Physical pain when using your vocal organs;
A sense of greater vocal difficulty than usual.
Mental symptoms, such as frustration, mental fatigue, and unwillingness to speak.

The usual symptoms of incomplete vocal folds closure are unusual vocal difficulties and unusual effort required to make a sound. Bear in mind that these symptoms may vary from one individual to another

Want to know more on how to deal with the effects of Incomplete Vocal Folds Closure?
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