Subject: Find out how the main cause and treat heartburn and acid reflux NOW!

Find out how the main cause and treat heartburn and acid reflux NOW!?


Nearly 80 percent of those who ask for TMRG's help with their vocal issues, even those who have no local cords lesion, complain about acidity. This problem is widespread among vocal professionals.

The two main causes of acidity that harms your vocal cords are overly acidic stomach, but also its opposite, namely low stomach acid. Nonetheless, their symptoms are very similar: acids rising from the stomach to the larynx. As a result, the vocal cords cannot operate optimally, thus harming your vocal performance. In some cases, the acids are strong enough to cause burns in the vocal cords. 
Usually, ENT doctors only diagnose and treat one cause of the problem, namely the excess of acidity. Therefore, all those who complain about acidity conditions are given anti-acid pills. When taken for a long time, these pills may cause low acidity. This, in turn, might result in the presence of harmful bacteria and parasites in the stomach, nutrients deficiency due to incomplete digestion and absorption of food, and general health damage. 

How to diagnose the real cause?Ever heard of the LEMON TEST?  READ ON!

This week only: May Special!!!
TMRG Voice Therapy – The Fastest Way to A Clear and Powerful Voice

TA revolutionary voice recovery and vocal quality improvement technique, with instant and surprising results!

It’s an effective treatment for hoarseness and a variety of vocal issues, as well as a vocal support for professional singers, lecturers, and everyone who wish to improve their vocal performance.

Professional Herbal Extract for Vocal Repair and Maintenance - TMRG CLASSIC DROPS (#1) 
ONLY $49.99

Anyone who is new to TMRG and needs a quick fix for relieving hoarseness and minor vocal discomfort as a result of vocal fatigue and symptoms of inflammation (soreness and feeling like the voice is tender), thick phlegm and feeling the need to clear the throat. It is one of our most successful products among singers. It works well and is easy to use.

Professional Oils and Saline Vocal remedy in spray form for Vocal and Sinus repair and Maintenance. The perfect solution for mild symptoms for people on the go.

This vocal remedy product is intended for those who tend to have excessive sinus issues, post nasal drip, frequent pharyngitis, throat infections and excess mucus in the mouth. The Saline and Oil Spray is known for helping singers to feel the sensation of ‘openness’ of the resonance cavities (sinuses).

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