Subject: SwordSearcher Newsletter

SwordSearcher Newsletter
SwordSearcher: Software for Believing Bible Study

SwordSearcher Bible Software Newsletter

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The SwordSearcher Elevator Pitch

A while ago I asked users of SwordSearcher to tell me why they use it. I always enjoy learning how people use SwordSearcher and the responses were insightful.

SwordSearcher video One thing I have often struggled with over the years is introducing people to SwordSearcher with a so-called "elevator pitch." It's not easy for me to sum it up. But with the help of this feedback, I made a short video that introduces three reasons to use SwordSearcher.

Unlike the other videos I've made, this one isn't really a tutorial; it's much more like a fast demonstration.

If you're already a SwordSercher user, perhaps this video will show you something you're not aware of, and maybe you can forward this on to someone who isn't using SwordSearcher. (There is a forward link at the top-left of this email.) Or maybe share the video link on facebook.

And if you aren't using SwordSearcher, I hope this video will show you something interesting that might help you consider using it.

Blog post: Bible Cross Referencing
Last week I posted a tutorial on using the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. In this post I expand a bit on the topic of cross-referencing in Bible study.

"It's easy to lean on commentaries when studying a passage of Scripture. But this has a big, obvious pitfall: when you're reading a commentary, you're reading what another man has to say about God's word. There is nothing inherently wrong with reading commentaries. In a way it is not a lot different from listening to preaching in church, and we should always be open and teachable, willing to learn when God might want to teach us through someone else.

"However, a personal relationship with God has only one mediator (1Ti 2:5), so we must always be on guard and ensure that we are not setting up someone between us and God as we study the Bible..."

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The gift of better Bible study

Donation 5-packSave 50% when you order five SwordSearcher Deluxe Edition DVDs for donations to Bible teachers and missionaries.

Quantity discounts are also available when ordering more than one copy for personal use. See the order page for details.

  • If you're not sure what version of the Deluxe Library you have, go to the Help menu in SwordSearcher and select Check for Updates.
  • If you don't see a tab for a library resource you are looking for, you can look for it by selecting File, Select Module. You can easily choose which library items have visible tabs by selecting Tabs, Select Which Tabs to Show.
  • We've got lots of great videos showing various features in SwordSearcher. There are several how-to articles as well.

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