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Through the Bible, Day by Day is a devotional Bible commentary by Frederick Brotherton Meyer (1847-1929). Meyer was a Baptist pastor in England, a co-laborer of evangelical work with D. L. Moody and A. C. Dixon.
Originally published in 7 volumes, Day by Day is a commentary focused on personal application and is esteemed highly even by some who rarely take an interest in devotional writings.
Meyer believed and taught the imminent return of the Lord. Though born in London, he made tours to North America, South Africa, and other areas in his work, even in the latter years of his life. At the time of his death, secular publications wrote of Meyer and his contemporaries as participants in a "wide and increasing empire of Christendom" (New York Observer) for their public work.
About this digital edition
The introductory material and outlines for each book of the Bible appears on the first verse of each book.
The review material for each book of the Bible appears after the introductory material, on the first verse of each book.
A "Day by Day" reading passage and commentary is presented as a commentary on the first verse of the passage. Meyer's "Day by Day" reading divisions cover most of the Bible (about 85%), but not the entire Bible.